Can you give just $10 more each week to your parish? Think how many more people we can serve with $1.5 million.
The success of our parish mission depends upon the support of every household
The important work we do as a parish family is made possible by the contributions of our generous parishioners. Your gifts keep the lights and heat on, maintain the buildings, support new ways to worship, help Winchester’s needy, pay fair wages to the staff, fund programs for family and youth in the parish, finance Catholic education and formation of children and adults.
Can you spare just $10 more each week?
There’s more work to do, however. Imagine how many more people we can reach when every parish household contributes even just $10 a week more than currently given throughout the year. The increase – more than $1.5 million – will help us spread the Gospel to more people in new and creative ways.
Family Envelopes allow you to make contributions by cash or check and include your contribution in the regular collections during Mass. You can contact the office to have personalized envelopes sent to you. Online giving allows you to make contributions without writing checks or worrying about cash donations. Faith Direct allows us to reduce administrative costs and affords parishioners the ease and security of online giving. You can use the convenience of direct debit for your parish offerings in much the same way as you may use it now to make your mortgage, car or tuition payments. In addition, there is an option for making one-time gifts through FaithDirect. Please consider using this convenient payment method all year round. You may enroll securely online by visiting Our parish code is VA604.
Thank you for supporting our parish offertory as your means allow. Your generosity is needed now more than ever. Our parish community has always come together to support one another during times of need, and we ask you to do so again. Please continue to pray for each other.
Use the QR code for Faith Direct or donate through PayPal below: