Sacred Heart of Jesus Inclement Weather Policy


Inclement Weather Policy

The physical safety of our parishioners, families, students, staff, and visitors to our campus is a top priority.  Therefore, the following inclement weather policy is in effect.  Check the parish website or the school website for updates during storms or weather threats. We also post weather notices on the parish and school social media sites.

Every attempt will be made to have decisions confirmed by 6:00a.m. for morning activities and 3:00p.m. for evening activities. The location of Sacred Heart of Jesus campus on a windy hill that often freezes may make it necessary to cancel events even when weather elsewhere is not dangerous.  If there is any doubt, please check the parish website ( or call the parish office (540-662-5858) before setting out to Sacred Heart of Jesus campus.

Daily Mass and the Perpetual Adoration Chapel ““ Our priests live on campus, so Mass is never cancelled. However, if inclement weather causes dangerous driving conditions, the Eucharist may be reposed and the Perpetual Adoration Chapel will be closed until such time as it is safe for our adorers to travel to fulfill their commitments. Adorers will be notified by the Chapel coordinators and a notice will be posted on the parish website and social media sites.

Morning Activities ““ If the Sacred Heart of Jesus campus opening is delayed, morning activities for the parish are cancelled and the parish office will open at 10:00a.m.  Any afternoon events will continue as scheduled unless otherwise notified.

Weekday Meetings/Events/Religious Education ““ If the campus is closed due to inclement weather, there will be no parish activities, group meetings, sporting events, or religious education.  If the campus closes early or cancels evening activities, religious education and evening activities are also cancelled. That said, a cancellation decision may be reevaluated at 12:00p.m. and 3:00p.m. and reconsidered, if the weather improves.

Parish office ““ If the campus opening is delayed, please call ahead if you have an appointment with one of our staff members.  Although the office may be open, individual staff members may not be able to come in to the office. They will make every effort to notify anyone affected, but it is still best to call and check.

Weekend Meetings and Events/TYM:  Cancellations and delays for weekend meetings, sacraments, and events will be handled on a case by case basis.  If an event is scheduled to begin by 8:30a.m., we would hope to make decision by 6:00a.m. If conditions improve, the cancellation decision may be reevaluated at 12:00p.m. and 3:00p.m. If an event is scheduled for the evening, we would hope to make a decision by 3:00p.m. Sometimes, that is not possible, and we ask you to check the parish website or call the parish office 540-662-5858 or religious education 540-662-2651 (if applicable), before setting out to Sacred Heart of Jesus campus.

Weekend Mass ““ Mass is never cancelled. Please do not travel if you feel unsafe or the roads near you are not passable.  The obligation to attend Mass is commuted (relieved) if you cannot attend due to bad weather even if Mass is not cancelled.
Parish Office: 540-662-5858

Parish website:

Academy website:

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