Are you called to teach the Faith?

“Go into the whole world and proclaim the gospel to every creature.” (Mark 16:15)

Do you have a desire to work with children?  Are you passionate about your faith?  Would you like to serve Christ through his Church?

Then you may be a wonderful addition to the our volunteer staff of almost 70 adults who help us share our Catholic faith with  over 600 children each year!  ALthough the 2020-2021 class year is unlike any other, we still have an active instruction program that takes many volunteers to help ensure our parish program can serve the needs of our families.  This year we are conducting in person classes two days a weeks for students in sacramental years and a self-paced on-line platform that is in need of volunteers to oversee student engagement and progress by instruction year.  Instruction covers a 20 week span of time this year from October-April; normally instruction is a 24 week span over September-April.

Volunteers are needed in the following areas:

  1. Teachers and assistants: we provide you the instructional materials, teaching guides, and any supplies you may need.  In late summer we hold a volunteer workshop to familiarize all our volunteers on the curriculum and calendar plans for the year.
  2. Hall monitors:  volunteers help us direct children into classrooms, monitor hallways during classtime and aid with the dismissal processes while occasionally helping us with special activities like escorting students for confessions and Stations of the Cross.
  3. Traffic helpers: keep traffic moving, aid children getting out of cars for drop-off

We continuously look for volunteers throughout the year with a special focus on recruitment in late spring and summer.  Please contact the Julia Carty at or the Relgious Education Office at for more information.  God Bless you!


Thank you for prayerfully considering,

Mrs. Julia Carty

Director of Religious Education

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