Religious Education
Welcome families!
The Sacred Heart Religious Education program serves more than 500 students in multiple levels year after year. The teachers of the program are volunteers commissioned by the parish to partner with parents in educating children in Catholic teaching faithful to the Magisterium.
Registration for the 2024-2025 class year has now closed. We are delighted to welcome all those currently registered families to the program. This year we are using curriculum provided by Catholic Education Center which enables us to not only teach in the classroom but incorporate Church life into our classroom activities.
In order to serve your children to the best of our ability, many of our Catechists are now certified through a diocesan sponsored Master Catechist program, have completed certifications on Cat 101 – through Cat 105, the teachings and Pillars of the Church and/or have completed or are working on the 4 year Catholic Bible School program provided right here at Sacred Heart of Jesus Church under Dr. Nick Lebish.
The students are learning in the classroom about Sacramentals and how they are appropriately used. They are learning the norms of the Catholic church including why we do what we do and where it came from.
Any questions for our office you can reach me at or a member of my staff at or contact us Monday through Thursday 9AM – 4PM at (540) 662-2651.
Here is our Parent Policy Manual for reference: select English or Espanol