Sacrament of Holy Matrimony


The Sacrament of Holy Matrimony at Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church

Great are the joys in marriage, as there is the lifting of progressive veils, until one is brought into the blazing lights of the Presence of God Venerable Fulton Sheen 

Genuine love…is demanding. But its beauty lies precisely in the demands it makes.” (John Paul II, message to young people, Cuba, 1/12/98).  

Holy Matrimony is a Sacrament, and those who strive to live that Sacrament well are a gift to the Church and to the world. Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church is committed to encouraging married couples in their vocations. Whether you are newly engaged and wondering what to do next, seeking to convalidate or bless your legal marriage in the Church, or have been married for many years and are seeking new ways to serve your spouse and the parish family through your vocation, we are here for you.

Sometimes marriage is difficult and challenges arise that require support and compassion. The Church is here for you if you are suffering or struggling in your marriage. Offering this unique and painful suffering back to God is also a gift to the Church.

Our priests and our Director of Family Life are always happy to speak with couples seeking the guidance and assistance of the Church as they strive to live the vocation of marriage. To contact the Director of Family Life and Evangelization, Laura Ricketts, who is also the marriage preparation coordinator, email . To make an appointment with a priest or deacon, call 540-662-5858.

Quick Links: 

I’m Engaged, Now What? (Link to Sacred Heart’s Marriage Preparation Program Info)

Music for the Nuptial Mass at Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church

Diocese of Arlington Conferences for the Engaged

Engaged Encounter Weekends 


Diocese of Arlington Ministry of Healing for Children of Divorce

Diocese of Arlington Healing Resources for Divorced and Separated Catholics

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