9:30 Choir

The 9:30 Choir is a contemporary choir of parishioners who come together and worship God through music at the 9:30 Mass.  The choir is a ministry and not a performance group. Our mission is to entice and encourage the congregation to utilize the most sacred of instruments, the human voice, in the very emotive form of prayer done in singing.

We are a piano lead choir that also uses guitars, bass, flute, violin and occasionally other instruments.  The music we use is almost exclusively out of the Journeysongs hymnal.  We are happy to welcome new people to the choir and encourage those who sing or play an instrument to consider joining us.

The Sacred Sounds sings year-round at the 9:30 Mass except for the first Sunday of each month.  During the months of July and August the choir takes the first and second Sunday off.

“He who sings prays twice” (Eph 5:19; St. Augustine, En. in Ps. 72,1:PL 36,914; cf. Col 3:16)

* Rehearsals are at 7:00PM on Wednesday evenings.

* Breaks the first Sunday of the month and an additional second Sunday during July and August.

* Sings at the 9:30AM Mass.

* Special services as requested.

People interested in joining the Sacred Sounds or are looking for more information should contact Dave Wilt at 703-216-4180 / email: dwilt61283@aol.com or come upstairs to the choir loft after the 9:30 Mass.

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