Music for a Funeral Mass at Sacred Heart Church

Music selected for the Order of Christian Funerals should be appropriate for Catholic prayer and conform to liturgical directives. The texts of the music should express the Paschal Mystery of Christ’s passion, death, and resurrection. This is especially important for the Song of Farewell. Secular, non-liturgical songs are not to be used in the liturgy.

The request for “favorite songs” of the deceased often result in inappropriate performances of music incapable of bearing the weight liturgy demands. Secular music, even if personally meaningful to the deceased or mourners, is never appropriate for the Sacred Liturgy. (SttL #246) Popular songs, sentimental ethnic music, songs from theater or film, and even non-liturgical or quasi-religious music are never to substitute for music of the funeral liturgy. Furthermore, “œmusic should never be used to memorialize the deceased, but rather to give praise to the Lord, whose Paschal Sacrifice has freed us from the bonds of death.”(SttL #248)

The Ordinary of the Mass will be sung in Latin from the Mass of the Dead (Missa pro defunctis). This includes the Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy) and Agnus Dei (Lamb of God).

There is an English chant that is sung during the Final Commendation (during the incensation of the body): I believe that my Redeemer lives, and that on the last day I shall rise from the earth, and in my flesh I shall see God, my Savior.


Entrance Rite:

-Requiem aeternum (Proper) / Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord.


Responsorial Psalms:

Psalm 23 – The Lord is my shepherd
Psalm 25 – To You, O Lord, I lift my soul.
Psalm 27 – The Lord is my light and my salvation. (or) I believe that I shall see the good things of the Lord in the land of the living.
Psalm 42 – My soul is thirsting for the living God: when shall I see Him face to face?
Psalm 63 – My soul is thirsting for You, O Lord my God.
Psalm 103 – The Lord is kind and merciful. (or) The salvation of the just comes from the Lord.
Psalm 116 – I will walk in the presence of the Lord in the land of the living.
Psalm 122 – I rejoiced when I heard them say: let us go to the house of the Lord.
Psalm 130 – Out of the depths, I cry to You, Lord. (or) I hope in the Lord, I trust in His word. (De profundis)
Psalm 143 – O Lord, hear my prayer.





-Amazing Grace
-For All the Saints
-Jesus, Lead the Way
-Lift High the Cross
-O God, Our Help in Ages Past
-The King of Love My Shepherd Is
-What Wondrous Love is This
-Be Thou My Vision
-Come, My Way, My Truth, My Life
-Ave Maria
-Be Not Afraid
-There’s a Wideness in God’s Mercy
-Be Thou My Vision
-I Clasp Unto My Heart This Day
-Blest Are the Pure in Heart
-Accept, Almighty Father
-Come unto Me, Ye Weary
-For All the Saints


Communion (2 selections if there will be a large number in attendance):

-Jesus, My Lord, My God, My All
-Let All Mortal Flesh Keep Silence
-Jesus, Food of Angels
-Jesus, Bread in Mercy Broken
-Lead, kindly Light
-Shepherd of Souls
-Panis Angelicus
-I am the Bread of Life
-On Eagle’s Wings



In Paradisum (May the angels take you into Paradise; may the martyrs come to welcome you on your way, and lead you into the holy city, Jerusalem. May the choir of angels welcome you, and with Lazarus who once was poor, may you have everlasting rest.)

Cantor fee: $75

The Church has a volunteer Choir that is available to support the congregation and sing the Psalm and Gospel verse in lieu of a Cantor.

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