St. Gregory the Great Chanters

St. Gregory the Great was the first pope to collect into one uniform whole the previously scattered and varying chants of the Liturgy. For the special religious functions celebrated by the Pope with the Roman Clergy in the Station Churches, he arranged and fixed the Liturgy in the Liber Antiphonarius. To better carry out his reform he founded a schola cantorum in Rome, in which he himself taught. From this school went forth teachers of the Roman Liturgical Chant to England with St. Augustin in 596 A.D. -Rev. F.X. Haberl

The St. Gregory the Great Chanters provides music for the sung Mass in the Extraordinary Form every fourth Sunday of the month at 12:45PM. The chanters are responsible for singing the Propers from the Graduale Romanum and the Ordinary from the Kyriale.

* Rehearsals are on Thursday at 8:30PM.

* Sings at two Masses per month at 8:30AM.

* Practice videos/MP3 files can be sent via email.

If you love the traditional Mass, please consider joining and give glory to God with your voice. Contact Chris Ricketts at 540-662-5858 x403 or email:

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