Confirmation Year 2 – Study Guide
Document Link: 2nd Year Confirmation Study Guide 2019-2020
Prayer to St. Michael
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle; Be our defense against the wickedness
And snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray;
And do you, O Prince of the heavenly host, By the power of God, thrust into hell Satan
And the other evil spirits who prowl about the world for the ruin of souls. Amen
Hail Holy Queen
Hail holy Queen, Mother of Mercy, our life, our sweetness, and our hope.
To you we do cry, poor banished children of Eve. To you do we send up our sighs, mourning
and weeping in this valley of tears. Turn then, O most gracious advocate, your eyes of mercy toward us, and after this our exile show unto us the blessed fruit of your womb, Jesus.
O clement, O loving, O sweet Virgin Mary
Pray of us, O holy Mother of God
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. Amen.
Fatima Prayer
O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell. Lead all souls to heaven, especially those in most need of thy mercy. Amen
The Ten Commandments
- I am the Lord your God; you shall not have other gods before me.
- You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain.
- Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day.
- Honor your father and your mother.
- You shall not kill.
- You shall not commit adultery.
- You shall not steal.
- You shall not bear false witness against your neighbor.
- You shall not covet your neighbor’s wife
- You shall not covet your neighbor’s goods.
The Two Greatest Commandments
- You shall love God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all your mind and with all your strength.
- You shall love your neighbor as yourself.
The Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit
- Wisdom
- Understanding
- Counsel
- Fortitude
- Knowledge
- Piety/Reverence
- Fear of the Lord / Wonder and Awe
The Twelve Fruits of the Holy Spirit
- Love Self Control
- Kindness Chastity
- Gentleness Peace
- Faithfulness Goodness
- Joy Modesty
- Generosity Patience
Hierarchy of the Church
- The name of the current Pope: POPE FRANCIS
- The name of the Bishop of Arlington: BISHOP MICHAEL BURBIDGE
- The name of the Pastor of Sacred Heart of Jesus Church: Rev. Bjorn C. Lundberg
- The name of our Parochial Vicar: Rev. Stephen Holmes
- The name of our Parish Deacon: Mark Maines
The Precepts of the Church (Commandments of the Church)
- Go to Mass on Sundays and Holy Days of Obligation and keep the day holy.
- Go to Confession at least once a year.
- Receive Holy Communion during Eastertime.
- Fast and abstain on days appointed.
- Contribute to the support of the Church
- Fasting days for all over the age of 18 are Ash Wednesday and Good Friday.
- Days of Abstinence for all over the age of 14 are Ash Wednesday all Friday’s in Lent.
Theological Virtues ““ Come from God and lead to God (most important virtues)
Faith Hope Charity
Cardinal Virtues ““ Human virtues; acquired by education and good actions.
Prudence Justice Fortitude Temperance
Corporal Works of Mercy ““ Kind acts by which we help our neighbors with their material and physical needs.
Feed the hungry Give drink to the thirsty
Clothe the naked Shelter the homeless
Visit the sick Visit the imprisoned
Bury the dead
Spiritual Works of Mercy ““ Acts of compassion that serve people’s emotional and spiritual needs.
Instruct the ignorant Counsel the doubtful
Forgive injuries Pray for the living and dead
Admonish the sinner Comfort the sorrowful
Bear wrongs patiently
The Seven Capital Sins
- Pride ““ the chief sin which is an excessive disordered love of oneself.
- Covetousness ““ Greed or avarice excessive desire for wealth or positions
- Envy ““ unhappiness or discontent over the good fortune or success of others.
- Anger ““ the uncontrolled expression of displeasure and antagonism often accompanied by a desire for revenge.
- Lust ““ uncontrolled desire for indulgence in sexual pleasure.
- Gluttony ““ uncontrolled desire for the indulgence for food and drink
- Sloth – excessive laziness or carelessness
Mysteries of the Rosaries
- Joyful: Annunciation, Visitation, Birth of Jesus, Presentation, Finding in the Temple
- Luminous: Baptism of Jesus, Miracle at Cana, Proclamation of the Kingdom, Transfiguration, Institution of the Eucharist
- Sorrowful: Agony in the Garden, Scourging at the Pillar, Crowning with Thorns, Carrying the Cross, Crucifixion
- Glorious: Resurrection, Ascension, Descent of the Holy Spirit, Assumption of Mary, Coronation of Our Lady
Significance and Meaning of Confirmation
The person responsible for assisting your parents in guiding you and inspiring you to be a good Christian: SPONSOR
Because Confirmation seals you in the Holy Spirit and leaves a permanent mark, it is received: ONCE
The Sacrament in which the Church most fully expresses its unity: HOLY EUCHARIST