Godparent/Sponsor Eligibility Statement

In accepting the role of “œgodparent” or “œsponsor” for the Sacrament of Baptism or Confirmation, you become responsible as a model and an example of a committed and active Catholic and a support to the parents in the practice of the Catholic faith.

You must meet the following requirements in order to be a godparent or sponsor.

  • You are a baptized and currently practicing Catholic at least 16 years of age.
  • You are not the parent of the person to be baptized or confirmed.
  • You have received the Sacrament of Confirmation.
  • If married, you were married in the Catholic Church.  If single, you are not living with anyone out of wedlock.
  • You are a registered member of your parish.
  • You regularly attend Sunday Mass.
  • You are open to the living Word of God in Sacred Scripture and the Church.
  • Your life bears witness to your readiness for the role.
  • You try to live your life according to Gospel values even when they conflict with the value systems of our culture and society.
  • You intend to encourage the candidate in the practice of the Catholic faith by your word and example.

Option 1:

If you are a member of Sacred Heart of Jesus Catholic Church, please call the office at 540-662-5858 or email office@sacredheartwinchester.org to make an appointment with a priest to have a sponsor/godparent interview in order to receive a Godparent/Sponsor Eligibility Statement.

Option 2:

If you are a member of another parish or live outside the parish boundaries of Sacred Heart parish, please contact the church where you are or should be a member, and the staff there will assist you. The Godparent/Sponsor Eligibility Statement should be obtained from your own parish.

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