Vocations Crucifix Program
“The work of carefully encouraging and supporting vocations finds a radiant source of inspiration in those places in the Gospel where Jesus calls His disciples….” Pope Benedict XVI
Our parish has been blessed with the grace to have two Vocation Crucifixes traveling from home to home. If you too, would like the opportunity to host one of the Vocation Crucifixes for a special week of prayer, please feel free to stop by or contact the Parish Office at 540-662-5858.
The Catholic Diocese of Arlington has vibrant and active programs to nurture vocations. To learn more, click here.
The Vocations Crucifix program is a wonderful means of fostering prayer and devotion among our parish families, the seed beds of vocations. The Crucifix reminds each host family that they share in the responsibility to pray for and encourage vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and consecrated life. |
The purpose of the Vocations Crucifix is to provide a focal point for prayer. Every vocation is a call to deeper holiness and springs from the redemptive act of Jesus Christ. It is a personal participation of the love He continues to pour out upon us through the Eucharist. The sacrificial love manifest in the cross of Christ is the essence of every gift of self- both in married life and virginity for the sake of the Kingdom. Jesus teaches very convincingly that the latter is more closely aligned to Him and the eternal life He came to give us. He also tells us to beg the Lord of the harvest for just such as these, to follow Him in love and in service to His Bride, the Church. Awareness of the need for vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and consecrated life is increasing. And so should our prayer. It is a responsibility we all share. Sometimes we forget just how powerful praying for vocations can be. |
Remember that God is indeed still calling. The vocations are right here among us in our families…in the young people in the pews of our parish. Pray for their faithful response to Him as He invites them to follow and love Him in these holy vocations. |